Who is Lola?

Welcome to a space dedicated to the powerful concept of "peer bridging." As a New York Peer Specialist who has weathered significant trauma and hardship, I'm here to provide a safe sanctuary for Peer Support Specialists to come together and share their unique stories.

Life has presented me with its challenges, shaping my journey in profound ways. These experiences have instilled in me a deep understanding of human resilience and the importance of connection.

In this space, I invite us all to unveil the moments that have shaped us, those instances that have evoked emotions and brought us closer not only to others but also to our own humanity. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we are all part of the rich tapestry of the human experience.

Sharing our stories isn’t just about recounting experiences; it’s about cultivating empathy and understanding. Through peer bridging, let's explore commonalities in our diverse narratives that might otherwise remain untold.

Technology has blessed us with myriad ways to connect, and peer bridging is a remarkable channel through which we can foster greater understanding and empathy.

By listening to the stories of others and sharing our own, we not only learn about their joys and struggles but also gain a profound insight into our own journey.

I strongly believe that by creating safe spaces for sharing, we can move forward together, celebrating our diverse perspectives and fostering a world where everyone feels acknowledged and understood.

I extend an open invitation to all – come, join hands in nurturing this space! Let's create an environment where stories flow freely, where learning about one another becomes an art, and where our shared humanity shines brightly.

Together, let's bridge gaps, celebrate uniqueness, and journey towards a world where connections are celebrated, understanding reigns, and we all move closer not just to one another, but to our own true selves.